
Police chief of WG pleads not guilty to sex sting charges

MARSHALL — The Walnut Grove police chief accused of soliciting sex with a minor has pleaded not guilty to charges against him.

Pre-trial hearing and trial dates for Michael Robert Zeug have been set for this summer, court administrators said.

Zeug, 45, of Walnut Grove, was charged with agreeing to hire a minor for prostitution. He was one of three men arrested after a sex trafficking and prostitution sting was conducted in Redwood county in June. In the sting, law enforcement officers posted online advertisements on websites used in prostitution and sex trafficking.

Zeug was suspended as chief of Walnut Grove Police on June 12.

A plea hearing for Zeug was held Thursday afternoon. Zeug entered a plea of not guilty, the Blue Earth County Court Administration office said. On June 27, Zeug’s case was reassigned to Judge Gregory Anderson in Blue Earth County.

Dates for both a pre-trial hearing and a jury trial were set at Thursday’s hearing, Blue Earth County Court Administration said. The pre-trial hearing was set for June 11. A trial date was set for July 25, with a backup date of June 27.


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