
International Briefs

Bodies of 3 more hostages are recovered from Gaza by the Israeli army

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Israel’s army says the bodies of three more hostages killed on Oct 7. were recovered overnight from Gaza. The news comes as the top United Nations court prepares to rule on whether Israel must halt its military operations and withdraw from the enclave. The bodies of Hanan Yablonka, Michel Nisenbaum, and Orion Hernandez were found and their families have been notified. The army said they were killed on the day of the attack at the Mefalsim intersection and their bodies were taken to Gaza. The announcement comes less than a week after the army said it found the bodies of three other Israeli hostages killed on Oct. 7.

Russia smashes train tracks in a battered Ukrainian border region

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Officials say a nighttime Russian attack has destroyed train tracks and rolling stock in Ukraine’s northeastern Kharkiv region. Ukrainian authorities are organizing the evacuation of children from the area being pummeled by the Kremlin’s forces in a powerful new offensive. Authorities say they have evacuated more than 11,000 people from the Kharkiv region since Russia launched an offensive there on May 10. Officials on Friday announced the mandatory evacuation of 123 orphans and children living without their parents in the area. Russia’s Kharkiv push appears to be a coordinated new offensive that includes testing Ukrainian defenses in the Donetsk region further south while also launching incursions in the northern Sumy and Chernihiv regions.

Over 100 feared dead in landslide in remote part of Papua New Guinea

MELBOURNE, Australia (AP) — More than 100 people are believed to have been killed in a landslide that buried a village in a remote, mountainous part of Papua New Guinea. An emergency response is underway. The landslide hit at about 3 a.m. Friday in an area about 370 miles northwest of the South Pacific island nation’s capital of Port Moresby. Residents say current estimates of the death toll are above 100. But authorities haven’t confirmed that figure. Som villagers say the number of those killed could be much higher. Prime Minister James Marape says authorities are responding and he will release information about the destruction and loss of life when it’s available.

Young missionary couple from US among 3 killed by gunmen in Haiti, family says

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — A family member says a U.S. missionary couple and a Haitian man who led a religious organization were shot and killed by criminal gang members in Haiti’s capital who ambushed them as they left a youth group activity held at a local church. Police union head Lionel Lazarre says the attack happened Thursday evening in the community of Lizon in northern Port-au-Prince. The slayings occurred as the capital crumbles under the relentless assault of violent gangs that control 80% of Port-au-Prince while authorities await the arrival of a police force from Kenya as part of a U.N.-backed deployment aimed at quelling gang violence in the troubled Caribbean country.


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