
International Briefs

UN nuclear chief says security is still fragile at nuclear power plant

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — The head of the United Nations nuclear watchdog says security at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant remains fragile amid recent staff cuts enacted by Russian authorities occupying the facility. The plant is one of the 10 biggest nuclear plants in the world and the almost two-year war between Russia and Ukraine has brought fears of potential nuclear catastrophe. International Atomic Energy Agency chief Rafael Grossi told The Associated Press on Tuesday that his upcoming visit to the plant will aim to assess the impact of recent personnel reductions after Russia blocked access to employees of Ukraine’s Energoatom.

3 people killed in alleged extremist attack at Turkey’s largest courthouse

ISTANBUL (AP) — Two people attacked Turkey’s largest courthouse before being shot dead in an exchange of fire that also left one other person dead and five wounded. Authorities say the assailants were part of an extremist organization that had been largely inactive in recent years. Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya says the man and woman attacked a security checkpoint at the Caglayan courthouse in Istanbul, and then were killed in an exchange of fire. Authorities say that one other woman also was killed in the gunfire, and that three police officers and two civilians were wounded. Private news agency DHA reports that the elder sister of the female attacker appeared as a defendant at the courthouse shortly after the attack on charges including membership in a terrorist organization.

Suspected drones used by Yemen’s Houthi rebels attack 2 more ships

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Two ships traveling in Middle East waters have been attacked by suspected Yemen Houthi rebel drones. Tuesday’s attacks are the latest in the Iranian-backed fighters’ campaign of targeting vessels over Israel’s war on Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The first attack happened in the southern part of the Red Sea, west of the Yemeni port of Hodeida. The British military said the projectile caused “slight damage” to the vessel’s windows on the bridge. The private security firm Ambrey identified the vessel as a Barbados-flagged, a U.K.-owned cargo ship.

EU scraps pesticide proposal in another concession to protesting farmers

BRUSSELS (AP) — The European Union’s executive arm is shelving an anti-pesticide proposal in yet another concession to farmers after weeks of protests that blocked major capitals and economic lifelines across the 27-nation bloc. Although the proposal had languished in EU institutions for the past two years, the move by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen was the latest indication that the bloc is willing to let some environmental concerns slip to keep the farming community on its side.


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