
Lyon County Board of Commissioners – Minutes July 19, 2017 – 9a.m. Meeting

July 19, 2017


Tuesday, June 20, 2017

A Summary of the Proceedings of the Lyon County Board

9:00 a.m. pursuant to notice the Lyon County Commissioners met with the following members present: Commissioners Anderson, Sanow, Graupmann, Crowley and Ritter. Also present: Administrator Stomberg and Attorney Maes.

MSP to approve the agenda.

MSP to approve the consent agenda.

MSP to approve the re-appointments of Jay Mickelson and Mike

Carlson to the Red Rock Rural Water System for a term of 4 years, January 1, 2018-December 31, 2021. Six months prior to the next round of the appointments, the Board would request consideration of County representation on the RRRWS Board. Motion passed with

Commissioners Crowley, Graupmann, Ritter and Sanow voting in favor. Commissioner Anderson abstained from voting due to a conflict of interest.

MSP to approve the resolution accepting the Lyon County All Hazard Mitigation Plan.

MSP to approve the contract with Onsolve, to include the Automatic Weather Warning feature for the amount of $9,200.00.

MSP to approve the Conditional Use Permit for Mark Driessen to move in a mobile home per Lyon County Zoning Ordinance Article 15.11 F.1(b) and with the stipulations presented and the home will be

removed once the intended use is completed.

MSP to approve the Conditional Use Permit for Todd and Curt

Boerboom for a feedlot expansion with a capacity for 300 animal units or more with the stipulations presented. Motion passed with Commissioners Crowley, Graupmann, Ritter and Sanow voting in favor. Commissioner Anderson abstained from voting due to a conflict of interest.

MSP to move forward with footbridge replacement, install upper

campground shower building and bathroom, use Garvin Park Trust to pay for these projects and discuss lower campground bathroom in the beginning of 2018.

MSP to approve the resolution regarding the election of jurisdiction of the MN Buffer Law.

MSP to approve the SWHHS lease with the changes discussed from July 1, 2017-December 31, 2021, starting rate at $8.50/ft./yr. with a $.50 raise each year starting 2019, ending at $10.00/ft./yr. ending

December 31, 2021.

MSP to not fund any renovations of the current Plum Creek Library System building.

MSP to approve the hire of Sherri Schwisow as a Techinical Assistant II in the Sheriff’s department with a starting date of on or around July 25 and a starting hourly rate of $20.48.

MSP to approve the hire of Brandon Groenewold as summer help in the HHW facility with a starting rate of $9.50/hour and a start date of June 20, 2017.

MSP to enter into closed session at 11:55 a.m.

MSP to come out of closed session.

MSP to be noted in employee records that VSO Wing received five

directives in the Performance Improvement Plan from the Commissioners & his performance will be monitored for his employment with Lyon County.

Chair Graupmann adjourned the meeting at 12:50 p.m.

A copy of these proceedings are available in the County Administrator Office of Lyon County and also available at www.lyonco.org


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