
Campus Notes for June 1

University of Sioux Falls dean’s list

The University of Sioux Falls announced the spring 2024 dean’s list.

Local students on the dean’s list are:

Joshua Baker of Marshall, majoring in sports marketing & media.

Alexsa Bednarek of Marshall, majoring in exercise science.

Taryn Bootsma of Lake Wilson, majoring in exercise science.

Sydney Brandt of Marshall, majoring in health administration.

Anna Bucher of Marshall, majoring in art and media studies.

Tessa Gannott of Marshall, majoring in elementary education.

Brianna Gile of Marshall, majoring in psychology.

Ella Gillette of Hadley, majoring in exercise science.

Tylee Groenhoff of Canby, majoring in elementary education.

Megan Gunnink of Chandler, majoring in nursing.

Paige Kesteloot of Marshall, majoring in nursing.

Kiara Maeyaert of Marshall, majoring in nursing.


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