
Campus Notes for May 25

Southeast Technical College recognizes area students with academic honors

Southeast Technical College recognized its high achieving part-time students by granting academic honors for the spring 2024 semester. To receive this recognition, students must be enrolled part time (6-11 credits), seeking a degree and have a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher.

Miranda Hoekman, registered nurse, Slayton

Kayla Myhre, invasive cardiovascular technology, Minneota

Hailey Swanson, licensed practical nursing, Sioux Falls, S.D.

Kaylee Van Hauwaert, surgical technology, Marshall

Elizabeth Van Keulen, paramedic science, Minneota

James Wininger, information technology security, Lake Benton

Courtney Winter, licensed practical nursing, Granite Falls

LATI has graduation

The 57th annual Lake Area Technical College graduation ceremony was May 10

Area students receiving diplomas are:

Brian Jordan, Wabasso, agriculture

Ashlynn Monnet, Canby, practical nursing

Jack Neisius, Hanley Falls, heavy equipment operator


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