
Faith Briefs for Dec. 6

Beginning Experience series

Widowed, Divorced, Separated? Beginning Experience of SW MN/Marshall, a peer ministry support group, is offering its “Coping with Life Alone” Series for 10 weeks starting Jan. 6. This series is designed for those wishing to work through the grieving process following the loss of a loved one. The Monday night sessions begin at 7 p.m. at the First Lutheran Church on Church and A streets in Marshall.

Registration will be taken for the first two weeks. The support group is open to people of all denominations. There is a $75 fee to cover the cost of materials.

To pre-register or questions, contact us at: swmnbe@gmail.com or call Tim L. at (507) 530-6379 or Jean at (507) 220-0668.

Starting at $4.38/week.

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