Faith Briefs for May 24
Labat ordination anniversary celebration
Rev. Dennis Labat is celebrating his 50th anniversary of his ordination as a priest Sunday at Holy Redeemer Church in Marshall. Mass is at 2:30 p.m. Open house reception will be from 3:30-6 p.m. at Carlin Hall.
Summer GriefShare session
If you have experienced the death of a loved one (spouse, child, friend, family) and are journeying toward grief healing, you are invited to the GriefShare 13-week session. This nondenominational program is designed so anyone experiencing grief can join at any time. The summer session will be June 3-Aug. 19 at 6:30 p.m. on Mondays in the gathering area at Holy Redeemer Church. For more information, call Dorothy at 507-401-0601, the Parish Office at 507-532-5711 or
Farewell parties for Rev. Polman
Farewell parties are being planned for Rev. Shawn Polman after Masses in Marshall, Cottonwood, Milroy and Tracy. Polman will be moving on to his new assignment beginning July 1. Parties are: June 9 at St. Michael’s in Milroy at 9:30 a.m.; June 16 at St. Mary’s in Cottonwood at 10 a.m.; June 23 at Holy Redeemer in Marshall at 11 a.m.; June 30 at St. Mary’s in Tracy at 11:30 a.m.
Baltimore’s Catholic archdiocese will cut parishes
BALTIMORE (AP) — The Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore will cut the number of parishes in the city and nearby suburbs by about two-thirds. It’s part of a realignment plan responding to falling attendance and aging infrastructure in the nation’s oldest archdiocese. Under the final plan released Wednesday, the number of parishes will drop from 61 to 23 with 30 worship and ministry sites. The Baltimore Sun reports that Archbishop William Lori says feedback from four town hall meetings on the draft plan was crucial. Lori says it’s a move away from putting energy into aging buildings and means a manageable number of parishes can provide services that parishioners want.