
Let there be light

Once upon a time there were twin brothers who had twin dogs. As farmers, they would walk to town on Sunday mornings for worship; their dogs would follow them, patiently wait for them at the edge of town and follow them back to the farm after church. One day the dogs got distracted by a furtive rabbit bursting from hedge. The bachelor farmers returned to their farms without their dogs but were not worried in the least. The townspeople were puzzled as to their disposition and wondered how they could be so calm or how they could even tell the dogs apart since the hounds were also twins. In answer to their question one of the brothers simply said, “my dog the one that follows me.”

He didn’t say it but he was illustrating what some folks had remembered from church that week; Matthew 7:19-20 “Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.” (ESV) You might have learned the short-hand of that verse: “By their fruits you will know them.” Any dog with any sense at all can detect whether someone is friend or foe — instinctively. On the same token, a skittish, mutt that has been treated harshly never forgets it.

Ironically it’s not so easy for bi-pedal mammals like us. The Bible gives a means for analysis of the motive and intent of Christian leaders. Consider Hebrews 13:7 “Remember those who have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the Word of God. Follow their faith, considering the outcome of their manner of living.” (KJ21) This simple, profound truth in one verse connects what one says (the Word of God) to their faith (believing it) to living it out (doing what you believe).

Throughout the days following the resurrection of Jesus the atmosphere remained dank and foreboding: fear abounded. Though hundreds came out of their tombs it seems their silence matched those disciples who pledged to follow their master to the grave but cowered in fear — at first. Open your Bible to the accounts of those who doubted then professed, who verified but also listened to the risen Lord. Their words and actions bear fruit to this day. Ask yourself this: who are you following; and perhaps more interesting: who is following you?


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