
Marshall VFW Orange begins state tournament play

The Marshall VFW Orange 15U team is set to compete in the VFW State Tournament, which kicks off Friday in St. Cloud.

Orange has been having a strong season, with a current overall 22-10 record. They were the runner-ups in last year’s tournament, falling 4-3 to Little Falls in the title game. Marshall will play at 5 p.m. on Friday against the winner of Rochester and Elk River, who play earlier in the day. They were orignally scheduled to play Thursday, however has been postponed a day. The tournament is double elimination.

Marshall is persistent at the mound this season with a handful of strong pitchers.

Cannon Craigmile leads all pitchers on the team, with 11 games pitched and five starting. He has had 62 strikeouts while allowing just 13 hits and nine runs, with a team low 1.413 ERA (earned run average). Ethan Weedman has 32 strikeouts with seven games pitched, and Trae Bailey with 35 strikeouts with eight games on the mound.

The team has also batted well over the season, with several leaders.

Noah Frazee has 34 hits so far, including 15 doubles, 17 RBIs and 39 runs. Tyler Kraft has 30 hits, nine doubles and 21 RBIs. Jackson Sirovy has 34 hits, 14 doubles and 30 RBIs. Ethan Boeck has 34 hits and 24 RBIs, and Craigmile has added 28 hits, three triples, a homerun and 30 RBIs.

Orange has won as many as five games in a row this season. The team is led by AJ Toulouse and Charlie Jacobson.

Marshall will next play on Saturday at 1 p.m. if they win Friday night, or at 4 p.m. if they lose. Games will carry through the weekend and the championship will take place Sunday at 11 a.m.


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